Saturday, August 6, 2011

Creativity Day 13 - Push those Buttons

"It is far more difficult to be simple than to be complicated."
John Ruskin

Sometimes using the simple things to create with can be more difficult than using a more complex item or design. For my day 13 project I took some simple green buttons and created a new Christmas postcard design.  I went through my big vintage milk bottle where I store some of my button collection and found enough green buttons to create the design I had in mind.  I like to hand stitch each button individually to make sure that they are secure on the card.  

Using postcards for my creativity project has made it possible to create individual items everyday and using items that I have on hand has also helped me dig deeper into the stash of ideas I keep in my head.  Learning to find new uses for items is what fuels the creativity and makes every finished item unique and special.

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